Activities and Field Trips
All in-person activities, events, and trips are on hold until COVID concerns end.
Mission Statement
KPAT meets in the Kemper library at 5:00 p.m. Look for information on the next meeting date in the display case by the office. We hope to see you there!
To learn more or to join, please contact Ginny McDonald at 970-565-3737.
The mission of KPAT is to bring parents and staff together to develop relationships and programs that support our school while respecting our unique cultural setting and perspectives.
In particular, KPAT works to meet needs that will not or cannot be met through regular school programming or district funding.
KPAT Events and Suggested Dates
Homecoming Parade: At the beginning of the school year, KPAT organizes the classes to participate in the Homecoming Parade. Planning for decorations, possibly a float, etc., going along with the theme of the year, representing Cougar Pride.
Kemper Carnival: Held in the fall on the playground. Open to the public, with games and prizes, Face painting, Cake Walk, Bingo and other activities. Food and beverages are available for sale.
Christmas Teacher/Staff appreciation: KPAT provides a Christmas thank you for the teachers and staff.
Art Walk: This event usually occurs in late spring. Teachers work with students to adorn Kemper halls, kitchen area and gymnasium with art. KPAT coordinates items for silent auction and prepares food to be purchased. Funds go to support art enrichment at Kemper.
Cougar Store: Throughout the whole year. A place where students get to purchase items with their Cougar Cash. Cougar Cash is awarded by teachers and staff throughout any day to students observed following High Five Expectations and other things to be awarded for. Students also learn more about math through handling money and saving with hands on experience.
Teacher Wish Lists: KPAT provides a display by which teachers can post with lists parents can supply items on the wish list.
Book Fair: Once or twice a year (usually during parent/teacher conferences) KPAT helps to arrange the Scholastic Book Fair.
Programs/Activities/Competitions Supported by KPAT
Field Trips: KPAT currently funds up to $300 per grade level/year: the trip must tie into curriculum and approved by the principal and all classes within each grade will go to the agreed upon destination. KPAT will consider funding transportation on a case by case basis for extracurricular activities that support/represent Kemper at large in the community.
Science Fair: The competition occurs in the spring and preparation usually starts around November. KPAT can supply money for ribbons or awards.
Teacher Appreciation: KPAT supplies teacher’s meals during parent/teacher conference nights and some professional development opportunities. KPAT also arranges for Teacher Appreciation purchases/celebrations and honors teachers during the holidays.
Box Tops For Education: Competitions are held in the fall and spring with incentives for participation. Money earned through this program is to be split with other school funds at the Principals discretion.
Montezuma school to farm project
The school garden classrooms provide accessible living laboratories where diet/nutrition, active lifestyle, water and soil conservation, and core curriculum lessons intersect. Whether it’s writing a poem about a plant’s life cycle, actively learning the science behind seed germination studying the history of drought in the Southwest, cooking with fresh vegetables, or translating seed packet instructions into Spanish or Navajo, the garden is easily woven into every subject. Classes are an integral part of the school day so that learning in the school garden coincides with important science and math core lessons. Students integrate their learning in a meaningful way because they are an active participant in their learning experiences.
Garden classes are offered seasonally throughout the year at Kemper and utilize our amazing outdoor garden and learning space. School to Farm also offers limited summer garden camp opportunities.
Kemper school garden
The Kemper Elementary School Garden was established in 2012 by two teachers at the school who were interested in utilizing an outdoor learning space to enhance their classroom lessons. In 2015, MSTFP partnered with the school, formed a garden committee, began providing the services of a part-time garden coordinator and funding for supplies to expand both the current program and the outdoor classroom.
Projects completed the first year include adding perennial crops, new irrigation systems, benches, tool shed storage, a shade pergola, an adobe oven, and a triple basin sink. These projects were made possible with the help of numerous dedicated community volunteers, an AmeriCorps NCCC team, and generous local material donations.
Additionally, a partnership with the Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project led to the installation of a heritage orchard on the school grounds.
Students and teachers at Kemper have access to MSTFP curriculum through monthly classes with AmeriCorps School Garden Coordinators. Other community partners, including the Pinon Project, utilize the space in the summer and after school hours.
FREE Tutoring In Reading!
Reading is the one skill that helps in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies…and every other subject area. Kids who read well can succeed in school. Kids who read well can succeed in life.
Do your children need help reading?
- 16 weeks of reading tutoring
- 2 hours of tutoring per week
- Trained tutors, most of whom are teachers
- Small group instruction: 3 – 4 students at a time
- Regular progress reports for parents
download the Registration Form
Kemper watch dog dads
Kemper is pleased to host a strong Watch DOG Dads program. We have had almost 100 dads, grandfathers, brothers, and other role models participate in this program and we are continuing to grow! Our volunteer DADS spend time in classrooms, lunchrooms, and on the playground supporting their children and all our students. Our DADS make a difference.
"WATCH D.O.G.S. is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations in the country.
In 1998, the very first WATCH D.O.G.S. program launched at Gene George Elementary in Springdale, AR. Today, more than 6,450 schools across the country have launched a WATCH D.O.G.S. program of their own.
Each school year hundreds of thousands of fathers and father-figures make a positive impact on millions of children by volunteering millions of hours in their local schools through this amazing one-of-a-kind program."
Click here for Dads of Great Students website
Please join us! To learn more or to sign up, please contact Principal Jamie Haukeness
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Kempr is proud to offer a strong Girls on the Run program to encourage our students to be healthy, confident leaders. We have over 20 girls in grades 3-5 participating in this program and having fun! We train for and run a 5k every year and it is a great time for our girls and their running buddies to celebrate their accomplishments.
Girls on the Run's mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running.
Girls on the Run of Western Colorado started in 2000 with 12 coaches and 40 girls in Grand Junction. Over the last 18 years our council has grown throughout Western Colorado and we now have more than 120 program sites in 20 counties in Western Colorado , Eastern Utah and Northern New Mexico. Our 700+ volunteer coaches and other volunteers are the heart of our success. Thanks to generous donors, in 2017-2018, more than 2,500 girls participated in our programs throughout western Colorado.
To learn more about Girls on the Run -
To learn more about Kemper's Girls on the Run or to sign up please contact Kristin Childs.
Teacher Aide, Paraprofessional
620 E Montezuma Ave
Cortez, Colorado 81321
(970) 565-3737
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