District Transportation policy
Per board policy the district provides busing to students who meet the following criteria:
Elementary student busing eligiblity
- Live within the district boundaries
- Live within their school boundaries
- Live more than 1/2 a mile from their boundary school
Note: Elementary students will not be discharged at places other than their regular bus stop unless by written authorization from parent/guardian or school official and then only at designated bus stops.
Middle and high school student busing eligiblity
- Live within the district boundaries
- Live more than 1 a mile from the school
To learn more about your student's eligibility, request bus service, or learn about pick up times and locations in your area please contact the transportation department.
During the winter months emergency closing of schools for inclement weather may be necessary. In the event of a school closing or delay due to weather the district will post notices on the website and Facebook and send out notifications via text or phonecalls
The following media will also broadcast information on school closings or changes in schedules:
- KVFC/KRTZ Radio Station - Cortez 740 AM - 98.7 FM (6:00 am is the earliest they will be live)
- KREZ - Durango Cable Ch. 13, Translator Ch. 33
district transportation department
Montezuma-Cortez School District Transportation Department provides transportation for over two-thirds of the school population to and from school. Traveling an average of 2,903 miles a day - almost half a million miles a school year. Last year an additional 60,510 miles were traveled for activity and field trips in buses for kindergarten through 12th grade. School vans and cars traveled another 161,843 miles for students for sports and activities and for staff development.
The safe transportation of pupils is of the utmost importance to all of us.
The key to the operation of a safe transportation system is three-fold:
The school district provides well-maintained vehicles, and trained professional drivers.
Passengers provide the driver with an atmosphere that will allow him/her to direct full attention to safe driving.
Driver provides passengers with a uniform and fair application of the rules established by the district for transportation services.
Bus drivers are trained and directed to provide a favorable atmosphere for all passengers. Passengers' behavior is expected to promote this atmosphere by showing respect for others - fellow passengers, drivers, sponsors, motorists, residents and property owners.
Acceptable behavior of pupil passengers is as follows:
A. At the bus stop:
Arrive on time, but not too early (five minutes before scheduled time).
Treat the adjacent residents' property with respect and consideration.
Have regard for the hazards and rights of motorists. Do not play or stand in the street.
Any bus stop not used for three days in a row will be discontinued. If you are the only person at your stop, and not going to be riding for over three days call the transportation office.
B. During the loading and unloading process:
When crossing the street to a stopped bus, cross at least ten feet in front of the bus (NEVER behind the bus!).
Use the front door. The rear exit is to be used for emergencies only.
Wait for an approaching bus at least ten feet from where the school bus is to come to a complete stop.
NEVER rush toward a moving bus or crowd and push to board the vehicle.
If you are not going to cross the street after leaving the bus, move back from the curb to allow the bus to continue on its route with out danger to you.
C. On the bus:
Obey the directions of the driver.
Take seats promptly and remain seated until time to unload and the bus has come to a complete stop.
Keep the aisles clear.
Seats may be assigned to pupils, at the discretion of the driver.
The "noise" level permitted may consist of quiet talking. When directed to be silent, respond immediately and completely.
Bus windows may be open when approved by the driver. Windows are to be closed at schools. Do not extend arms or head out of the window nor throw anything out of the window, since personal injury may occur.
Do not tamper with or damage the bus.
Flame or spark producing devices are not allowed on the school bus.
Glass and other articles, which could result in danger to passengers, shall not be transported on buses.
Items to be carried on the school bus cannot protrude into the aisle, extend above the seat back, or occupy space of another student.
Animals/pets, living or otherwise, are strictly prohibited on vehicles transporting students
Misrepresenting one's identity shall constitute misconduct.
Elementary students will not be discharged at places other than their regular bus stop unless by written authorization from parent/guardian or school official and then only at designated bus stops.
School District Re-1
400 North Elm Street
PO Box R
Cortez, CO 81321-0708
(970) 565-7522
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