MCSD Office of the Superintendent
Welcome to the Montezuma-Cortez School District
Office of the Superintendent Tom Burris
You can contact us at (970) 565-7522 or 564-4187
The Superintendent is the only employee hired directly by the school board. The superintendent is not a member of the board itself but functions as the CEO with general supervision of the school system. Hired as the professional educational advisor on policy development and other aspects of education, the superintendent implements the policies the board adopts, while assuring that all decisions are made with the best interests of students in mind.
- Develops long-range strategic plans
- Determines the overall needs of the district including instructional programs and operations
- Maintains a continuous study of current problems/concerns and develops plans to provide continuous improvement
- Prepares the annual budget for board consideration
- Prepares and submits all state and federal applications and reports
- Ensures that professional development opportunities are available for district employees
- Recommends the appointment and termination of all personnel
- Develops a public relations program in order to facilitate optimal community communication and support
- Determines emergency discontinuance of schools
- Prepares the agenda for each meeting including the superintendent report of the district
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board / Public Information Officer
There is an elected member (also called a Director) representing each of the 7 districts in Montezuma Cortez RE-1 district. They hire and oversee the superintendent and work to provide for & maintain our schools.
The superintendent is hired by the school board to manage overall operations, legal requirements and other functions as described below for the school district.
Principals report to the Superintendent, manage staff and the student body as well as day-today operations of the school.
Teachers report to the principal. They are the backbone of our educational system and the first point of contact for parents to address questions or concerns.
School District Re-1
400 North Elm Street
PO Box R
Cortez, CO 81321-0708
(970) 565-7522
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