Welcome to the Montezuma-Cortez School District Technology Department
We support student success by providing and supporting a variety of technologies that meet the evolving needs of our students and staff. We believe that technology is a positive force for parent engagement, student engagement, educator effectiveness, operational efficiency, student safety, and student achievement.
What we do
- Maintain reliable technology for the benefit of all district staff and students including network, wireless, software applications, systems integration, data and reporting
- Provide excellent customer service, training, and support
- Promote efficient and effective use of technology in our classrooms
Staff contacts
You can contact us at (970) 565-7282 x1108
Monday-Friday 8:00A.M-4:30P.M.
Director of Technology
Technology, IT Technician
Technology, IT Technician
Technology, IT Technician
Technology, Tech Support Specialist
Technology, Tech Support Specialist
Note: The Tech department archives all employee email correspondence for up to one year.
Answers for common tech support issues
Click or tap the (+) symbol to see details
Alma is a web-based student information system which allows parents to access attendance records and other academic information.
How to change your password in Windows
- You must be using a district owned device
- You must do this at work in the school district
- Press Ctrl, Alt and Delete
- Then choose change password
- Next type in your old password (the current one)
- Then type in your new password two times.
How to change your password on a Mac
- You must be using a district owned Device
- You must do this at work in the school disctrict
- Click the Apple icon at the top right of the screen
- Select system settings
- Scroll down and select users
- Click the i icon t the right of your name
- Click change password
- Click the button below and download Google Drive
- Follow directions (ie, login to your Gmail account, accept Terms and Conditions, allow access)
Be aware, personal Google Drive accounts have a limit of 15GB
Google Mail allows you to import a contact group into contact from an Excel file. This involves two steps: saving the Excel file with the desired information as a .CSV file and then importing the .CSV file into your contacts.
Step 1: To enter contacts into an Excel file and save it as a .CSV
- Open Microsoft Excel. In the first row, label the first three columns the following:
- First Column: First Name
- Second Column: Last Name
- Third Column: Email Address
- In the rows below, enter the corresponding information for each contact.
- When you are done entering all the information for each contact, navigate to “File” > “Save As”.
- From the “Save as type:” drop-down menu, select “CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).”
- Select a location to save the file.
- Click [Save].
- If a window pop-ups asking if you want to keep the workbook in this format, click [Yes].
In addition to columns for First Name, Last Name and Email Address, you may also add columns for other information, such as Home Address and Mobile Phone.
Step 2: To import the .CSV file into Google Contacts
- Navigate to mail.
- Click the “Mail” link and log in.
- From the Google Apps options across the top of the page, click “Contacts.”
- The Contacts page opens.
- Click [More]. A drop-down menu appears.
- From the drop-down menu, click [Import…]. The Import Contacts window opens.
- Click [Choose File].
- Navigate to and select the .CSV file you created in Step 1.
- Click [Open].
- Click [Import]. The group will appear in the sidebar named as “Imported MM/DD/YY (#).”
- To rename the group, navigate to the group and click [More] > “Rename group.”
If the .CSV filed you imported contained contacts already in your Google Contacts, you may have duplicates of those contacts in the base "My Contacts" group. For more information, see the Google Mail: Merge Duplicate Contacts computer help page
There are two options with the iOS device, both with their own pros and cons.
Note: Before you complete one of these options, ensure that you connect your device to the wireless network and then manually register your iOS device.
Option 2 - iOS Google App:
From the app’s homepage, you will be able to access all the Google Apps, including Google Drive, but only while you are connected to the Internet. You will not be able to use the app at all while you are not connected to the Internet (3G and Wi-Fi).
The “Gmail” app setup is identical to the “Google” app setup, but it does not allow you to access your Calendar, Drive, or any of the other Google services that are available through the “Google” app.
- On your device, touch “App Store.”
- Search for “Google.”
- Install the Google app from the Apple App Store.
- Open the Google app once it has been installed, and enter your email (including and password to log in.
- Click [Continue] and Google will redirect you to the Google Mail login page.
- Log in with your username and password and you will be directed again, this time back to Google.
- On your device, go to "Settings.
- In the settings menu, go to "Accounts and Sync."
- Touch [Add Account].
- From the list, select "Google" or "Gmail."
- Touch "Existing" or "Sign in" under "Already have a Google Account?"
- Enter your Cortez email address (including
- In the Password field, enter the password.
- Touch "Sign In."
- The sign-in process might take a few minutes, but soon a screen will appear with a list of everything that will sync to your Android device. Choose what you think you'd like to be available. You can always edit these settings from Settings>Accounts and Sync> Google account on your device.
- 1n a few minutes, you should begin to receive email and calendar events synchronized to your phone or tablet.
Note: If your phone or tablet does not begin to synchronize, check to make sure that your device is connected to the Internet by using your device's mobile browser to navigate to a website outside of network. The synchronization will not work if your device is not connected to the Internet.
Google Apps offers some additional services for Android devices, like the ability to find your device if you lose it, the ability to completely wipe the device remotely, and the ability to make the device ring, all from inside your browser.
Follow the instructions below to activate these services on your device after you have completed the above instructions:
- On you android device, sign in to the Google Play Store and search for “Device Policy.”
- Install the Google Apps Device Policy app.
- Open the app once it is installed. Your email address should be displayed at the top of the screen. If it is not, select it from the drop-down arrow.
- Touch [Next].
- Touch [Allow] and then [Activate].
- The device will warn you of the policies that you are about to activate. Touch [Enforce].
- The device will talk to Google’s servers, and you’ll get confirmation that it is working or that the device was successfully synced.
- You can now access these options on your computer by opening a browser and navigating to
Please the button below to view, download, or print the instructions and screen shots on how to connect with district wi-fi from various devices.
School District Re-1
400 North Elm Street
PO Box R
Cortez, CO 81321-0708
(970) 565-7522
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