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our plan for the 2024-25 school year

Our Commitment This Year

The Board of Education, the superintendent, and all of us at RE-1 are committed to providing safe, healthy, and engaging education for every student during this unique 2022-2023 school year. We affirm our focus on equity in student success, and pledge a high-quality experience for our entire student body. By equipping students and teachers with extra support, and continuing to identify and close gaps, we achieve our mission of every student reaching their potential.

Please review our strategic plan and annual progress report for information on our district growth.

Our number one priority is the health and safety of teachers, students, and the wider community. 

Colorado Department of Education Logo


We know that clear communication is the bedrock of trust and student success - and it’s also key to smooth functioning and transitioning this year. We will use every channel available to convey general and urgent communication to our community as soon as it becomes available.

Download the MCSD App to get the latest notifications.   Google Play and Apple App Store

These channels include the district and school websites, school newsletters, Facebook, emails, autodialer voicemails and texts, livestreamed town halls and board meetings, radio, newspapers, public television, and publications like our staff handbook, student handbook, and Citizen's Guide to Reopening. Like us on Facebook and download our new app, as these are the quickest ways to receive updates.

Important and urgent updates will go out via multiple methods: MCSD new App, website posts, social media, email, letters home, text, and voicemail.


Many programs in our schools and community seek to address these gaps and challenges. Please click the buttons below to visit our page dedicated to listing community resources and student support. And don’t forget - your school counselor is ready to talk as well.

School District Re-1

400 North Elm Street
PO Box R 
Cortez, CO 81321-0708
(970) 565-7522 

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