in-person learning
All middle school students also have the option to attend school in person, four days a week, Monday through Thursday. Schools, staff, and students will follow health protocols as outlined by our state and local health officials. Teachers will adapt curriculums to take advantage of "blended learning." Blended learning incorporates more digital learning tools, which will create smoother transitions to temportary online learning if necessary.
Supporting our students' social emotional needs
New reports show the young adults have been hit hard with our "new normal," so it is crucial that students and families act swiftly and proactively if/when extra support is needed. Please talk to your school councilor and reach out to the variety of organizations in our community that are designed to bridge the gap, when extra resources are needed.
Middle school graduation will be held as usual, with all necessary protocols in place.
Sports and Activities
Our school district follows guidelines from the Colorado High School Sports Association. Please see their website for up-to-the-minute updates on middle school sports during this school year.
ADDITIONAL online tutoring RESOURCES FOR core subjects
If your student was previously using Lexia to provide additional help in reading or math, those programs are still available to them at home. Please contact your student's FIT teacher to see if this is something that would benefit your student. Another great resource for additional help for students in their core subjects is Khan Academy. Please see below for more information on how to use Khan to supplement your student's learning in their regular online classes that their teachers are offering.
School District Re-1
400 North Elm Street
PO Box R
Cortez, CO 81321-0708
(970) 565-7522
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